Monday, October 18, 2010

Artist-Helen Van Meene

Helen Van Meene's photos seem to go beyond portraiture to me. Tom and I talked about how it looked like something was just about to happen in each one, a moment of suspension. I mostly relate to them because of the feeling I think they collectively give off - one of contemplation, of frustration or confusion, of aloneness and solitude. I am going to explore a more documentary type feel to my photos and wish to capture some of these emotions. I am very intrigued by how simply these images are composed, but how much they communicate at the same time. 

"If you’re taking portraits of someone in their forties, you find they really know what they want, so it’s more difficult to pry them open, to get into their soul, to really get a feel of the person. It’s more difficult because they already know what they want from life, they already have experienced things, either positive or negative; and that results in a different outcome." (source: see interview link)

"They seem to be disconnected from earthy affairs and the encounter of photographer and model appears random. As if Helen van Meene were a shell seeker, who accidentally came across them. However one sympathizes with those beings and almost asumes to be able to touch or to talk to them. But it is only an image of encounter, which Hellen van Meene was searching and finding at different places in this world"

'Hellen van Meene was born in Alkmaar in 1972, where she continues to live and work. She studied photography at the Gerrit Rietveld Academie in Amsterdam. Her work was included in the group exhibition Scanning at the Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam in 1996, and she will be the subject of a solo exhibition at De Vleeshal, Middelburg in 2000. She is the winner of the prestigious 1999 Charlotte K?hler Prize. Kate Bush Senior Programmer Hellen van Meene has been financially supported by the Mondriaan Foundation Amsterdam, for the advancement of the visual arts, design and museums.'

Helen Van Meene

Helen Van Meene

Helen Van Meene

Helen Van Meene

Helen Van Meene

-sadly, this artist does not include print information anywhere publicly




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