Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Critique Video Response

This critique seemed to be a mostly positive one for me, which was a relief, so I wasn't nervous to watch my recording. In the past, critiques have gone by in a haze of nerves for me where I get internally defensive and therefore don't always get the most out of them or remember suggestions, but not this time. I was surprised that I remembered most everything that went on without the tape and was able to be very open to suggestions. This is probably because of the new open feeling to my work, which seemed to put my viewers and myself at ease. The work is also still in the developmental stage, so I was more eager to make changes and hear how my concept is being received. I was also relieved to see that the discussion didn't fall flat when I put my work up like it has in the past. People were able to see my concept and relate to it in a way that encouraged them to talk about it, which is my ideal outcome. 
   While I was very pleased with the responses of my classmates, I do have some criticism for myself. I did not seem to be as on point with my language as I usually feel. This is the first project I've worked on where I don't have a script of things I want to explain to people, which puts me out of my controlling element. I seemed to ramble a bit when explaining my work after everyone had read my artists statement and had some difficulty answering questions in a clear way. I seemed a bit tired, which is not an excuse, but it's something I regret because I really do care very much about the work I am making and I want to appear excited to talk about it. I think my lack of certainty is a result of me trying to be more open about my artwork and less controlling with the way I want my audience to see my concept, but I may have taken it too far and now is the time for me to come up with answers. I feel as though I usually am confident speaking in front of groups of people but it didn't show this time. I need to think more about what I want to say to people in the most concise way possible and expand my language and terms further than "alone" and   "island." My critique really helped me feel confident in moving forward but gave me great suggestions for improvement and things I hope to implement. 

New images from crit:

16x24 in, Digital C-Print

top-12x18 in, bottom-2 6x9 in Digital C-Prints

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